
Saturday, May 27, 2006

"My Tribe" Brigit Communities...

In addition to LiveJournal Brigit communities, there are "My Tribe" communities as well. (In both cases these communities or their members are often connected to the Daughters of the Flame, Ord Brighideach, the Ladies of the Flame and doubtless others I have never heard of.)

The Brighid's Hearth,
Brigid's Hearth
Brigidh, Our Lady of Fire

& many related groups! A Brigit-lover could spend all day just noodling on the net. (Not recommended at the expense of all else. But what the heck...)

Live Journal Brigit Community

Look on LiveJournal and you will find a LOT of talk about Brigit. Or at least, a lot of Brigidines talking!

Check this:

The following communities are interested in "Brigit".

brig_irreg - Brigid's Irregulars
brighiddevoted - Devoted to Brighid
brighidwomen - Daughters of Brighid - Flametenders
brigidshearth - A Celebration of Brigid
brigidswell - Brigid's Well: Exploring the Celtic Mysteries
flame_keepers - Brighid Flame Keepers

and many related communities.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Solas Bhride Pilgrimage

Solas Bhride is a small Christian community in Kildare, Ireland which is devoted to Celtic Christianity as exemplified by Saint Brigit of Ireland. The Catholic Sisters who live there are part of the Brigidine community, and a renewal of a long tradition of tending Brigit's flame.

Many places of contemplation and prayer bear Saint Brigit's name in Kildare and the surrounding countryside. The foundations of her ancient fire temple have been restored, the mother church of the Church of Ireland bears her name, wells and statues do as well.

If you cannot go to Ireland to visit Brigit's Kildare, go on a virtual pilgrimage online at the Solas Bhride site.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Brigit Shrine Online

Visit Roibn's Shrine of the Forgotten Goddesses and spend a few moments or a few hours in their company. Of special interest to us here is the Brigit Shrine, calming and beautiful and filled with quiet prayer. Several more pages of his site are devoted to Brigit, and can be located through the search menu at the bottom of the introductory page.

Thank you, Roibn, for your work.