There has been much excitement this year leading up to Imbolc. Clann Dord Fiann offered a three week daily devotion which many of us joined in on. I enjoyed it so much I am going to continue it. Land, Sea, Sky Travel put on a wonderful Brigit conference on 26 January, which consumed much of my bandwidth for weeks beforehand as I planned and organized my own contribution. And now Brigit lovers all over are posting images and stories and videos that teach and inspire and comfort us at this time.
Lora O'Brien sent a link out on her Irish Pagan School email listserve the other day that points us toward a great program on Brigit and her traditions by Blúiríní Béaloidis/Folklore Fragments on SoundCloud:
I am so happy to be surrounded by Brigit lovers and Brigit lore. May you all be blessed, this year and every year.
Blessings of Brigit
may Brigit bless you
with the lustre of her poetry
the vigour of her smithcraft
the mercy of her healing
and may you walk under
the protection of her blue mantle
all the days of your life.
Mael Brigde
Image: Brigit
by Maggie Jones