One of the members of Orlagh Costello's Brigid's Forge group on Facebook, asked participants to share their favourite images of Brigit. My first contribution was of my brideóg, but today I felt the urge to share a piece made by the late Donna Amaral.
It used to be nearly impossible to get images of Brigit on this side of the pond. I love what a blossoming of Brigidine imagery there is now. Whether or not I like a particular image, I am so grateful for the inspiration artists receive to imagine her, and that we get to see so many of their results.
This pattern was designed by Donna Amaral, one of the early Daughters of the Flame, back in the 1990s. I only wish I did needlepoint, as I'd love to have it on my altar.
Thank you, Donna, for all you gave to Brigit, to me, and to your sisters in the Daughters of the Flame. I still miss you.
Below you will see that I enhanced the original scan she sent me--resolution was not awesome Back in the Day. But it isn't perfect. You may want to use a pen to touch it up. If you click on the pattern I've attached you will see the whole thing, though only part of it is visible in the post. If any of you stitch this up for yourself (or for me!), have fun! I'd love to see your work.
All Images: by Donna Amaral. Apologies for the poor quality of the pattern.