
Friday, July 05, 2024

Brigid's Worlds Conference 2024, Kildare, Ireland


"Registration now open on Eventbrite for Brigid's Worlds, a conference exploring the life & times of St Brigid & her Church of Kildare (5th to the 9th centuries)! Sept 13th & 14th. We've an incredible couple of days planned! In person only. Loads of hospitality, tour of Kildare town/Cathedral, extra treats. Excited to welcome you all to Maynooth University. €10 per day but free public lecture by Prof. Catherine McKenna (Harvard), Ogham exhibition & reception Fri night. Full provisional programme, speakers and titles available on the Eventbrite page. You have to register for each day separately. Enquiries to 
Niamh Wycherley

Register here with Eventbrite.

Image: Brigid's cross surrounded by text including “Brigid’s Worlds" and "Brigid 1500.”

Call for Submissions: Lady of the Forge: Stories and Art Dedicated to the Goddess Brigid



Girl God Books is accepting submissions for Lady of the Forge: Stories and Art Dedicated to the Goddess Brigid.

Edited by Isca Johnson, Pat Daly and Trista Hendren

Preface by Dr. Karen Ward

Cover Art by Barbara O'Meara 

Scheduled publication: Imbolc 2025

Submission Guidelines:

Please send your finished piece in a Word document. 2,500 word limit. Calibri size 12 font is preferred. Please do not use any fancy formatting or fonts as it creates more work on our end. Make sure to spell check before you submit. Art should be sent in high resolution as a JPG. You may submit more than one piece for consideration, but due to the volume of submissions, please only send your best work and keep it on topic.  


Please note that this anthology will be about Goddess Brigid. We will not be exploring Her later role as Saint in this collection. 


We do not accept work created with Artificial Intelligence. 

PLEASE SEND YOUR SUBMISSIONS TO SUBMISSIONS@GIRLGOD.ORG BY JULY 31, 2024 with the book title in your subject line. Please note that we cannot accommodate any late submissions or corrections.


Please also include a bio in the third person under 150 words.

Accepted contributors will receive a contributor's copy of the book and the option to order as many copies of the book as they'd like at cost during the pre-order period to sell or gift as they wish.

Be sure to sign up for our newsletter to be the first to receive our Calls for Submissions.

You can find our other anthologies here.

Pre-order your copy here.

Note from Mael Brigde: although they don't specify it, poetry, prayers, essays, et cetera are all welcome.


Image: painting of red haired woman against a black background. Flames are shooting out of side of her head.