
Brigit Courses (with Mael Brigde)

I teach three courses on Brigit through the Mystery School of the Goddess. The first Discovering Brigit, is a brief introduction which discusses the mythology of both Brigit the saint and Brigit the goddess, what she means for us today, methods for clear discernment, and offers a well meditation and resources. Stepping Into Brigit looks at Brigit and relationship, Brigit in song and poem, and more, and offers recorded meditations to bring you more deeply in tune with her. Finally, Journey with Brigit, Goddess of Poetry is an intensive, nineteen lesson writing retreat, in which the inspiration and protection of Brigit are sought, the spirit of writing is kindled, and the history of the poet in Ireland is explored.

Something you might want to know before signing up:  at the end of Discovering Brigit

You will find a discount link for Stepping Into Brigit. There are links at the end of Journey with Brigit, Goddess of Poetry for both of the other courses.

It was very rewarding putting these courses together. Returning over and over to Brigit and her lore and traditions in the midst of loss has given me sustenance and joy. Now I get to share those efforts with others; a real blessing.

Mael Brigde