Saturday, August 11, 2012

Versatile Blogger Nomination

Oops. I just knocked over a vial of water from Brigit's well in Kildare, grabbing it instead of the mouse. Worry not--it's capped.

This is an interesting thing. Yesterday I received a note from Runningwave, one of the Daughters of the Flame.

Dearest Mael,

Since I admire your blog and want to support your spread of Brigit's flame of inspiration around the world, I have you nominated for The Versatile Blogger Award.

You are one of the writers whose creativity inspires me and has encouraged me to see the world in new ways. Being a part of the Daughters of the Flame for a long time now has given me a community of women who want the Peace and Awen of Brigit to be known and adored.

My own blog post and all the nominations are posted here:

I've posted a link to your blog on my own, but you are truly not under any obligation to post back. I just wanted to honor all of the creativity you share on this space.

Very sincerely,

Thanks to you, runningwave, for your appreciation of Brigit's Sparkling Flame. It occurs to me, too, that the sloshed over holy water was a tiny runningwave all its own. A nod to you, as it were.

Sweet blessings of Brigit on you, this day and every day, this night and every night.


Barbara Gallagher said...

Congratulations on your nomination!

Mael Brigde said...

Thank you, ma'am!

Unknown said...

I like to spread waves of change as I roam, so the holy water is apparently no exception! Peace, my Sister from the Marshes near the Chesapeake.

May your flame burn ever brightly!

Mael Brigde said...

Ha! Lovely.