Saturday, January 30, 2021

A Radio Show and Live Chat with Mael Brigde & Other, Even Cooler People


What a busy season Imbolc is! 

I worked feverishly on the Daughters of the Flame newsletter until I was able to send it out last week. This week I have been getting organised for the book draw on Oiche Fhéile Bhríde - tomorrow - preparing for two very unexpected interviews, creating blog posts for Stone on the Belly - I wanted to put out more Brigit poetry than usual during the time of her celebration - getting ready for tomorrow's first ever gathering  (virtual, of course) of Daughters of the Flame, and so on and on.

Austin Comerton of Irish Radio Canada interviewed me yesterday for a segment of tomorrow's program, which will feature Maura De Freitas of the St Brigid's Day Festival Vancouver, Bríd Dunne of the Ireland - Canada Chamber of Commerce Vancouver which is hosting a portion of the event, myself, and Kathleen Fee speaking about Festival Bloomsday Montréal. (James Joyce's birthday is 2 February.)

For more information, read his full announcement here.

This episode of Irish Radio Canada will stream at 8am & 1pm (Eastern Time) on TuneIn, Simple Radio (Ask Alexa/Google) & via the Irish Radio Canada App.

I will also be speaking about Saint Brigit with Brigidine Sr. Mary Teresa and Anne Cassidy Carew of the United Irish Cultural Centre of San Francisco next Wednesday evening. The event is hosted by Dowling Library at the UICC.

The live chat is Wednesday, 3 February 2021. Join us on Zoom for this free talk, from 7 - 8 P.M. P.S.T.

I am feeling tired but joyous about these opportunities to be with people who are as excited about Brigit as I am.

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