Saturday, December 01, 2018

An Dagda's First Books Have Launched!

Pagan Portals - the Dagda 

I'm excited. Two separate books on The Good God, An Dagda, father of the goddesses Brigit, are now available. In my time of devotion to Brigit I have come to know her parent somewhat and fallen in love with him. I am thrilled to have these two opportunities to know him more.

Until now, those interested in The Dagda have had to scrape together their information from widely dispersed sources. In late October Morgan Daimler's Pagan Portals book, The Dagda, was released. A slim volume, like all Pagan Portals titles, it is the first book entirely devoted to this important Irish god. I haven't read it yet, but it sits on the table awaiting my attention. I've read several of Morgan's books and have never been disappointed. 

Minutes ago, Morpheus Ravenna and Lora O'Brien launched their anthology Harp, Club, and Cauldron - A Harvest of Knowledge. Many respected (and beloved) writers and artists have contributed to the book: Isolde Carmody and Chris Thompson from Story Archaeology, Anthony Murphy, author of Mythical Ireland: New Light on the Ancient Past, Segomâros Widugeni, author of Ancient Fire: An Introduction to Gaulish Celtic Polytheism, Valerie Herron, the artist responsible for the delightful works in Ravenna's book on the The Morrigan, The Book of the Great Queen, Morgan Daimler herself, and many others. (I have a poem in there, myself, speaking with Brigit about her father.) Having had a glimpse of the ebook, I am more than ever looking forward to having the book in my hands, .

Now is a great time to have the profile of the Dagda raised. A god of many abilities, protector of his people and linked to the health and balance of his land, he is a powerful ally in a world filled with disharmony and fear. His cauldron of plenty, his harp that can bring sorrow, laughter, or sleep to those who listen, his club which kills with one end and restores to life with the other, his great appetites and his ability to do what needs to be done under any circumstances--An Dagda's influence needs to be felt now more than ever.

It may take a few hours for the anthology to become available--the button is pushed, but Amazon sometimes takes a while to catch up. So if you get a "not currently available" note, fear not. It's on the way.

For those of you who have grown interested in or close with An Dagda, you might also want to join the Facebook group The Dagda's Hearth. I'll see you there, perhaps?

Original Fund-Raising Video for Harp, Club, and Cauldron:

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